Contact Information
Remote ProctoringRoom: 2140 Western Student Services Building
1151 Richmond Street
London, Ontario, CANADA
N6A 3K7
Fax: 519-850-2397
Using Proctortrack
Proctortrack is a remote proctoring tool that leverages automation and AI to provide proctoring in conjunction with your assessment.
Before using Proctortrack, here are some recommendations to ensure a successful remotely proctored assessment.
Ensure you have a valid ID
Students should be using their Western ONECard as their identity for all remote proctoring identification scans. We understand some students do not currently have a Western ONECard. Government-issued ID can be displayed to the camera, showing only the picture and name (all other information can be covered by you).
For inquiries related to replacement student cards and delivery timelines, please email
Review Proctortrack's list of technical requirements
Proctortrack's technical requirements can be found at
Manage your browsers
Download Google Chrome browser
We recommend you use the latest version of Google Chrome to write your assessment. It is also good practice to have a second browser (we recommend Firefox) downloaded and ready to go as a back-up.
Check your browser settings:
To prevent any technical issues, make sure any ad-blocker functions are turned off, 3rd party cookies are enabled and JavaScript is enabled before starting the test. It is considered best practice to check these settings in both your primary (Google Chrome) and secondary back-up (Firefox) browsers.
- Disable ad-blocker
- Enable cookies
- Enable Javascript
Find a place to write and prepare your space
Because Proctortrack will be recording video during the exam to ensure academic integrity, we recommend the following:
- Find a private, quiet space to write
- Make sure you have a secure internet connection
- Caution persons not to come into the room during examination, unless necessary, as they may be recorded on both audio and video, and your exam session may be flagged for irregularities
Your instructor may also request that you show the entire room you are in, using your video camera, to prove that no other person is present.
For the security minded test-takers, you may choose to create a guest profile on your computer and access your assessment from that profile. This would effectively eliminate the ability for Proctortrack to access information. Again, this is not required but may give you additional comfort in safeguarding your information. Additionally, you should uninstall the Proctortrack application after each use and only download when you go to write an assessment.
Create a baseline profile by Onboarding
Each student must Onboard in Proctortrack if they are enrolled in a class that uses Proctortrack for remote proctoring. During this process, you can ensure Proctortrack is compatible with your computer during low-pressure circumstances while becoming familiar with the testing environment.
Once the onboarding quiz has been uploaded and processed, your profile is created. This profile is used to verify your identity for each assessment.
Uninstall Proctortrack
Each student must Onboard in Proctortrack if they are enrolled in a class that uses Proctortrack for remote proctoring. During this process, you can ensure Proctortrack is compatible with your computer during low-pressure circumstances while becoming familiar with the testing environment.
Once the onboarding quiz has been uploaded and processed, your profile is created. This profile is used to verify your identity for each assessment.
Reach out to Western Exam Chat Support if you have any issues
If you experience technical difficulties or have a question, you can connect with a Western support staff to help troubleshoot issues via the Western Exam Chat Support tool in OWL.
Hours of operation for live chat support:
Monday to Friday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm EDT*
* plus during scheduled assessments after hours