Contact Information
Student CentralRoom: 1120 Western Student Services Building
1151 Richmond Street
London, Ontario, CANADA
N6A 3K7
Fax: 519-850-2397
Official Western Letters
For a statement about Western's accreditation and language see: Accreditation and Language Statement
For a statement about Summer being optional for Undergraduate students see: Summer Optional
If you are an International Student graduating in February In Absentia Convocation, you can download the following statement.
What is an Official Western Letter?
An Official Western Letter is a document prepared and sealed by the Office of the Registrar.
Official Western Letters Available for Ordering
- Verification of current or past enrollment - Useful for Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP), Student Line of Credit, Provincial Health Care Insurance, Non-Western Scholarships and Awards, CPP, etc.
Important: To obtain a verification of enrollment letter, full-time students must be registered in a minimum of 3.5 courses; part-time students must be registered in at least a course.
There are two ways you can get the Verification of Enrollment Letter
Verification of Enrollment Letter - $8 PDF generated ONLY online by eLetter
- Request via your Student Center under the View and Order Documents tile > Order Official Western Letter .
- Letter category = Enrollment
- Letter = Verification of Enrollment
- The PDF letter will be sent to the email address you provide on the request immediately after the online payment is processed as long as you are currently registered in 3.5 courses for a full-time student or 0.5 courses for a part-time student.
- Online payment can be made by Visa or MasterCard through our secure e-commerce system. (Note: Visa Debit Cards are not accepted).
Other letters available for ordering online are:
- Verification of upcoming graduation
- Courses taken extra to a degree (e.g. QECO letters for teachers)
- Statement of current fees or past fees paid
- Degree Verification (eLetter ONLY)
- Study Permit Extension letters (for international students, must be indicated on form)
- Post Graduate Work Permit letter (PGWP) (for international students, must be indicated on form)
- Pre-Paid Fees Letter for newly accepted students (for international students, must be indicated on form)
Official Western Letters are considered confidential documents and, therefore, cannot be ordered or released to anyone but the student unless authorized by the student to do so. If you wish to have a third party pick up your Official Western Letter on your behalf you must complete a Release of Information available through your Student Center under the Profile tile.
Most requests are completed within 4 to 5 business days. If a degree check is required, it can take up to 2 weeks. This does not include mailing time. Payment methods available to you depend on the ordering option you choose - please see the Ordering Options tab for further details. You may also have your letter couriered or faxed at an additional charge.
Sample Letters
Convocation, Degree and Graduation
Not Applied – Upon Successful Completion
This letter is for students in their last term of study before the application to graduate has opened, who are not yet finished their studies.
Applied - Upon Successful Completion
This letter is for students who have applied to convocation but they are not yet done their studies.
Completed Requirements for Upcoming Graduation
This letter is for students who have applied to graduate but who are already finished their studies (not currently in classes).
Degree and year awarded
This is the letter to show that a student holds a degree. Can only be ordered AFTER convocation.
Degree and year awarded for more than one degree
This is the letter to show that a student holds more than one degree. Can only be ordered AFTER convocation.
Degree Awarded & Advanced Standing
This is the letter to show that a student holds a degree and have been granted Advanced Standing. Advanced Standing are courses taken prior to attending Western that do not show on a transcript but the credits were used towards program completion. Can only be ordered AFTER convocation.
Degree Awarded & Extra Credit
This is the letter to show that a student holds a degree and have taken more courses than were required to graduate. Can only be ordered AFTER convocation and can take up to 2 weeks due to consultation required with academic counselling.
Verification of Enrollment
For all students regardless of career. This is the electronic letter to show that a student is currently enrolled at Western (or in a past term). This is sent electronically upon payment to the email address the student requests on the order. To order this a student must be registered in a minimum of 3.5 courses for Full-time and 0.5 courses for Part-time.
Statement of current fees or past fees paid
This is a letter that can be ordered to show that a student is both registered at Western and how much tuition was along with how much they paid.
Graduate Studies
Pre-Paid Fees Letter for Newly Accepted Students
Graduate students ONLY: This is for newly admitted students who have made a payment and are applying for a study permit. See full details here.
**This letter replaces the former SDS Letter**
Completed Requirements for any Graduation
Graduate students ONLY: This letter is for students who have completed all degree requirements (including final submission of thesis) prior to convocation.
Degree Awarded
Graduate students ONLY: This is the letter to show that a student holds a degree. Can only be ordered AFTER convocation.
Degree and year awarded for more than one degree
Graduate students ONLY: This is the letter to show that a student holds more than one degree. Can only be ordered AFTER convocation.
Letter for Study Permit Extension – Current Term
Graduate students ONLY: This letter is for students to extend their study permit if they do not finish their degree requirements before their study permit expires. We will reach out to graduate programs to confirm expected graduation.
Post-Graduation Work Permit (available after program comp)
Graduate students ONLY: After all degree requirements have been completed and submitted this can be ordered. See full details
Statement of current fees or past fees paid for GRAD term
Graduate students ONLY: This is a letter that can be ordered to show that a student is both registered at Western and how much tuition was along with how much they paid.
Pre-Paid Fees Letter for Newly Accepted Students
Undergraduate Students Only. This is for newly admitted students who have made payment and who are applying for a study permit. See full details.
**This replaces the former SDS Letter**
Study Permit Extension for Undergrad MAIN Campus Students
This letter is for students to extend their study permit if they do not finish their degree requirements before their study permit expires. We will reach out to academic counselling to confirm expected graduation.
Undergrad Post-Graduation Work Permit (after program comp)
This letter is for students after all degree requirements have been completed and submitted this can be ordered. See full details
How to Order an Official Western Letter
Note: Due to Payment Card Industry requirements, we are unable to process any requests received via email.
* Letters to be picked up from Student Central, Western Student Services Building, Room 1120, will be held for 6 months.
* If you are an Affiliate University College student and require an Official Western letter with fees or transfer credit/advanced standing information, please contact your Affiliate University College directly. Exception: Huron summer fees letter.
* At this time diplomas cannot be couriered together with letters.
We offer two options to order your official Western letter:
Login to Student Center using your Western User ID and Password to submit an online request under the View and Order Documents tile > Order Official Western Letter.
If you were a Western student prior to 1984 your records are not available online. To obtain an Official Western letter you must order in person, by fax, or by mail.
Mail or Fax:
Complete our Official Western Letter Request Form (pdf) (if you don’t have a Western User ID) and fax or mail it to us. Note: Due to Payment Card Industry requirements, we are unable to process any requests received via email.
*eLetters cannot be ordered by pdf
Student Central – Official Western Letters
Room: 1120 Western Student Services Building
1151 Richmond Street
London, Ontario, CANADA
N6A 3K7
Fax: 519-850-2397
Fees and Processing Time
Payment must accompany all requests prior to processing. Most requests are completed within 4 to 5 business days. This does not include mailing time. Payment methods available to you depend on the ordering option you choose - please see the Ordering Options tab for further details. You may also have your letter couriered or faxed at an additional charge.
Online, PDF Generated Verification of Enrollment (emailed immediately after the online payment is processed, or 4-5 business days for pick-up, fax/mail, or courier if not eligible for online letter) | $8.00 |
Standard Letters - Paper* (4-5 business day processing) | $25.00 |
Special Letters - Paper** (Q.E.C.O., Transfer credit, Extra credit, or other letters) | $25.00 |
eLetter | $17.00 |
Courier Fees: Within Ontario | $35.00 |
Courier Fees: Canada (excluding Ontario) | $40.00 |
Courier Fees: USA | $50.00 |
Courier Fees: International (may vary depending on location & service) | $80.00 |
*During peak times processing times may vary.
**Processing time depends on the letter type.
Tracking Your Official Western Letter Order
Track your Official Western Letter order through your Student Center under the View and Order Documents tile > Order Official Western Letter. You will be able to see the status of your order, when it was completed.
Requests that required special processing (e.g. RNAO or QECO letters) may not be displayed in this record. This system allows you to see the status of your order(s) and when they were completed.
If you do not have access to the Student Center, the Student Central Chat ( is able to confirm your order.
Letters for International Students
Undergraduate Affiliate Students – please contact the Registrar’s Office at your Affiliate University College
International students require Official Western Letters for various Immigration requirements. Below should help you identify which letter you should be ordering for your situation.
Need a letter to travel to Canada for in person studies?
Undergraduate & Graduate Students If you started your program online and are now entering Canada for in person studies and you require a letter for travel you can order on Student Center, choose View and Order Documents > Official Western Letters > Add a New Request > Letter Category: Enrollment. As long as your status (full-time/part-time) matches your courses, the letter will be emailed to you as soon as payment is submitted. If your status does not match, our office will receive your request and we will be in touch within 4-5 business days.
Need a letter to support your Study Permit or Visa Application?
Undergraduate & Graduate Students: If you have accepted your offer of admission and made a payment towards your future studies you can order the Pre-paid Fees Letter for Newly Accepted Students. Your pre-payment can take many forms: a deposit, a tuition pre-payment, an admissions scholarship or bursary or a funding package (graduate students only).
To order this letter on your Student Center Portal, choose View and Order Documents > Official Western Letters > Add a New Request > Letter Category.
If you are a graduate student, you want to select VISA - SDS Newly Accepted (to be renamed to Pre-Paid Fees Letter for Newly Accepted Students letter).
If you are an undergraduate student, you want to select Student Direct Stream - Newly Accepted Undergraduate (to be renamed to Pre-Paid Fees Letter for Newly Accepted Undergraduate Students letter).
**This letter replaces the former SDS letter**
Need to extend your Study Permit?
Undergraduate Main Campus Students
Step 1: Check Academic Program on Student Center > Academics to ensure you are currently registered in a degree program (not Undeclared). If you are Undeclared, check with your Home Faculty Academic Counselling Office to see if you are eligible to progress into a degree module.
Step 2: On Student Center, choose View and Order Documents > Official Western Letters > Add a New Request > Letter Category: Visa > Study Permit Extension for Undergrad MAIN Campus Students letter. We may do a program check with your faculty to find out your expected graduation date. Turnaround is 4-5 business days.
Graduate Students
Step 1: On Student Center, choose View and Order Documents > Official Western Letters > Add a New Request > Letter Category: Graduate Studies > Letter for Study Permit Extension - Current Term.
Step 2: Ask your graduate assistant to send us an email to that outlines when you will finish your degree. Turnaround is 4-5 business days.
*Student Central will automatically reach out to your graduate program if we have any questions
Need a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)?
Undergraduate Main Campus Students
(Brescia, Huron, and King's students, please contact your Affiliate University College)
Step 1: You must have completed all degree requirements, applied to graduate, and see all of your final grades appearing on your Student Center > Academics > Grades. Follow on your Graduation Status until you see Program Complete (this can take 3 weeks after your last grade appears). Do not request this letter until you have met these requirements.
Step 2: On Student Center, choose View and Order Documents > Official Western Letters > Add a New Request > Letter Category: Visa > Post-Graduation Work Permit – available after program complete. If your program shows complete, turnaround is 4-5 business days. If your program is not complete, we may reach out to your Home Faculty Academic Counselling Office to request your adjudication results. This can take a few days to several weeks depending on what is still outstanding with your record.
If you have an urgent deadline please connect with Student Central on Chat to find out what options are available.
Graduate Students
Step 1: You must have applied to graduate, completed all program requirements (this includes submission of final, corrected thesis or see project grade on Student Center). Do not request this letter until you have met these requirements.
Step 2: On Student Center, choose View and Order Documents > Official Western Letters > Add a New Request > Letter Category: Graduate Studies > Post-Graduation Work Permit – available after program complete. If your program shows complete, turnaround is 4-5 business days. If your program is not complete, we must wait until the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies completes your program. For project and course based students, this will happen after the last day of your final term, e.g. January 1 for Fall, May 1 for Winter, and September 1 for Summer completes.
*For thesis-based students, after you successfully defend your Master’s or Doctoral thesis, and the final thesis is verified and published, SGPS then will update your student record in Student Center indicating: Completed Program, using the official completion date.