Distance Studies

Distance Studies courses are available for both Western students and students enrolled at other Canadian universities through letter of permission from their home university.

For information or help with applying to Western for either full-time or part-time studies, please visit Welcome to Western.

If you are interested in taking courses at Western on a Letter of Permission from another university, click here to learn about Visiting Students.

To order your textbooks, visit the Bookstore’s website

To learn more about courses available with eCampus Ontario, visit the eCAMPUS ONTARIOwebsite

Contacting Distance Studies

If you require more information on Distance Studies in general, course materials, and assignment distribution, you can either contact Student Central, or Distance Studies directly at 519-661-2100 or contact@uwo.ca

If you have questions about your Email/Personal Computer account or about OWL, please contact the WTS Helpdesk.