
What is a transcript?

A transcript is a copy of a student's permanent academic record at this University, duly certified by the Registrar and bearing the embossed seal of the University. A transcript is privileged information and is available only upon the written or online request and payment of the fee in effect at the time by the student.

We offer transcripts in hard copy format, and eTranscripts.

Note that a transcript reflects the current status of a student's record at the time it is issued. Students should ensure that any changes to the transcript (e.g., from an INC to a final grade) are recorded before ordering a transcript. Courses will not appear on the transcript before the last day to add a course for that term. See the Western Calendar for official dates.

*A full course (1.0 units; running September to April) normally consists of three lecture hours each week. Each full course is equivalent to six semester hours or nine quarter hours. For a full explanation of courses suffixes, their corresponding weights and scheduling guidelines, see: Course Suffixes.

For a copy of the back of our transcript see: Transcript legend.
For a statement about Western's accreditation and language see: Accreditation and Language Statement

Grading Scale/GPA Conversion

Western University does not issue a grade point or cumulative average for students. This includes on transcripts or in letters. Below is the information on averages and the OMSAS scale:

Historic Grading Scales

Beginning February 2020, transcripts at Western University no longer provide information regarding historic grading scales. This information can now be found below: