Letter of Permission

Students in degree programs at Western University may take courses at other accredited universities for transfer credits provided the Faculty in which they are currently registered approves such courses in advance. The approval is subject to individual Faculty/Department regulations and is granted in the form of a Letter of Permission (issued by the Office of the Registrar).

To obtain a Letter of Permission, please apply at your faculty counselling office as early as possible and at least one month prior to the commencement of classes at the other institution. Letters of Permission must be signed and approved by both Department and Faculty, and may take up to three weeks to process from the time they are received at the Office of the Registrar. Fall/Winter Letter of Permission forms will not be processed before May 15th unless there are mitigating circumstances.

For students who are going on Study Abroad, please go to Western International – Safety Abroad and complete the steps. If you have any questions, please contact Western International at goabroad@uwo.ca.