FAQ: Accommodated Exams

Student Questions

What happens if my late request is denied?

Contact your instructor to let them know your request has been denied. You now have two choices:

  1. You can choose to write without your accommodations with your class. 
  2. You can contact your faculity/affiliate academic counselling unit and request alternative arrangements. If after connecting with your Academic Counsellor and you have been approved to write a make-up, submit a make-up request form through your Examination Services Portal as soon as you know the date of the make-up assessment.

What if I am late submitting my request to write with Accommodated Exams?

Accommodated Exams cannot guarantee a booking for requests made less than 10 days in advance. All late requests for in-person assessments will be reviewed. For online assessments, you need to follow-up with your instructor to confirm that your accommodations have been applied as this information can not be viewed by the Accomomdated Exams team.

Please allow 2-3 business days for processing. Accommodated Exams will email instructions with your next steps.

What is needed to write a make-up exam or assessment?

If you miss an assessment, you must follow the procedures outlined below:

  1. Request permission (academic considerations) for a make-up from your Faculty/Affiliate Academic Counselling Unit.
  2. Obtain a make-up date from your instructor.
  3. Submit a makeup request form through your Examination Services Portal.

    Note: It is important to book makeup exams and assessments as soon as the approved date and time has been provided. Students do not have to wait to hear back from Academic Counselling to book your make-up exam or assessment.

What is Academic Consideration?

Academic consideration provides students with consistent, fair, and academically appropriate review  for a missed assessment due to extenuating circumstances. This can be requested by following your faculty/affiliate academic counselling procedures, as listed on their page.

What if something is wrong with my upcoming booking?

For any issues with an upcoming booking, reach out to accommodatedexams@uwo.ca or contact us via Western Chat.

I have a scheduling conflict for my in-person accommodated exam or assessment. What should I do?

For Accommodated Exams to be aware of the situation, both exams or assessments must be requested with Accommodated Exams.

The Accommodated Exams team reviews conflicts and will fix them  automatically. There is no need to connect with Examination Services. Please watch the Examination Services Portal for updates to take place no later than 3 days prior to your exam or assessment.

I have an in-person accommodated exam and an online accommodated exam. Both exams are scheduled at the same time. What should I do?

For online exams, instructors schedule your writing time and may be unaware of scheduling conflicts with other exams/assessments. Please contact your instructor to discuss next steps.

I have two online exams or assessments and they are in conflict. What should I do?

Online assessments and exams are scheduled by instructors. Please contact your instructor as soon as possible to reschedule the exam(s).

Can I pick my own date and time to schedule my in-person accommodated exam?

No, Accommodated Exams need to be requested for the same time as the class exam to avoid the risk of academic integrity concerns. If the time conflicts with your accommodation, the time will be adjusted by Accommodated Exams

Why am I writing at a different time than the main class?

There are some scenarios when students are scheduled to write an assessment at different times than the main class.

My instructor has given all students extra time based on the principles of Universal Design Time.
Will I receive my extra time?

Universal Extra Time provides all students with double time. This creates an accessible situation where accommodation for extra time is not needed because it is already built-in. Please contact your Accessible Education Facilitator if you have questions or concerns. 

How does Accommodated Exams treat my data?

All accommodation information is kept strictly confidential and is never shared with third parties. Information at times may be shared between Accommodated Exams, Accessible Education, and your instructors. Each group equally protects your privacy.

What can I expect when I arrive at the testing centre?

When you arrive, present your Western ONECard or government-issued photo ID to the Assessment Support Assistant at the sign-in station.

  1. Take a locker card and store all personal items in the locker. Ensure that all electronic devices are turned off.
  2. Return to the proctor station to review your accommodations and assessment details.
  3. Please identify any inconsistencies with your accommodations with the Assessment Support Assistant at this time. If there are no concerns, you will then sign-off on your accommodations.
  4. The Assessment Support Assistant will direct you to your station.

What if I get sick on the day of my assessment?

Stay home and cancel your booking on your Examination Services Portal.

If you need to pursue alternative writing arrangements, reach out to your Academic Counselling Unit.

For students with the Faculty of Science, reach out to your Accessible Education Counsellor instead of your Academic Counsellor for alternative writing arrangements.

When should I arrive for my exam or assessment?

We recommend arriving at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time listed on your Examination Services Portal.

What if I arrive late?

Students arriving less than 30 minutes late will be permitted to write for the remaining time allotted for the assessment.

Students arriving more than 30 minutes late will not be permitted to write. Connect with your instructor to discuss other options.

Note: On busy days with lineups, our Assessment Support Assistant may check you in after your official start time. If that happens, an Assessment Support Assistant will adjust your end time to reflect the delay.   

What if I need to leave early?

Students needing to leave an Accommodated Exams’ testing centre should speak to an Assessment Support Assistant to check whether the earliest exit time has passed. Accommodated Exams must notify the instructor if a student's leave time is before the “earliest exit time”. This is due to the potential risks of academic offenses. Instructors would then follow up with students. If there are concerns regarding the writing time, please reach out to us via accommodatedexams@uwo.ca or Western Chat in advance.

What if I need a break?

Notify an Assessment Support Assistant that you require a break; ensure to inform an Assessment Support Assistant when you start and end the break. You are expected to stay in the Accommodated Exams rest area. If you have stop clock accommodations, your writing time will be paused up to the approved time.

What if I need to use the washroom?

Washroom breaks are permitted. You must inform an Assessment Support Assistant.

Can I eat and drink while writing an assessment?

Eating and drinking are permitted. Please be sure to remove all garbage.

What happens if there is an error with my accommodation when I arrive at the Testing Centre?

Inform your Assessment Support Assistant of any errors.

What if I experience a problem while writing my exam or assessment?

Speak to an Assessment Support Assistant right away.

What if I have an emergency while writing my exam or assessment?

Reach out to an Accommodated Exams’ Assessment Support Assistant as they are trained to help students during emergency scenarios and monitor student safety.

If you have particular concerns about possible emergency situations, speak to your Accessible Education Counsellor.

How does Accommodated Exams work for Graduate-Level Students?

You must be registered with Accessible Education and make requests to write exams or assessments through your Examination Services Portal. Given the unique nature of your comprehensive exams, it will be important to connect with your thesis advisory team and counselor to discuss how your accommodations will be applied. Your advisor will need to connect with Accommodated Exams to make arrangements.

Where are the Accommodated Exams testing centres located?

Accommodated Exams testing centers are located in the University Community Centre (UCC), Somerville House (SH), and the International & Graduate Affairs Building (IGAB); see campus map. For students registered at King’s, testing centers are located on King’s Campus map. In each building, directional signage is posted. During high volume periods, additional spaces may be used; please ensure you review your portal.

Your assessment booking details (location, start time) will be available on your Examination Services Portal at least five days before the assessment date.

I still have questions. How do I contact Accommodated Exams?

You can contact us via email or Western Chat between 9:00a.m. and 4:00p.m. Monday to Friday, or visit us in-person at Western Student Services Building 2140.