Data Security and Privacy Considerations

What steps has Western taken to review Proctortrack's data security and privacy practices?

Western has a rigorous vetting process for any third-party service providers. The review of Proctortrack involved many different University departments and our analysis of Proctortrack determined that they have robust data security and privacy practices.

Western is committed to protecting students' personal information and our review process was consistent with this commitment.

Is Proctortrack compliant with Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)?

Yes. Western's Privacy and Information Security Offices conducted extensive reviews of the Proctortrack service to ensure it meets the statutory privacy requirements.

What security measures are in place to protect student privacy?

Penalties for privacy violations are severe and taken very seriously at Verificient (the company that offers Proctortrack). In addition to Proctortrack's strict internal data security and privacy compliance standards, the contractual relationship with Verificient includes provisions to protect student data. All student data will be kept confidential at all times.

What initiatives has Western put in place to protect student data?

In addition to contractual terms with the provider, Western has put its own initiatives in place to reduce the amount of data students are required to share when using Proctortrack. These include:

  • The use of student ID instead of government issued ID to reduce the information about you that is captured in your profile;
  • To restrict biometric data collection, we do not require knuckle scans or voice scans;
  • Collecting as little personal information as possible when you set up an account.

What steps can I take to protect my data when using Proctortrack?

  • Use your Western Student Identification card as your photo ID.
  • Remove or cover pictures, sensitive documents or other objects containing personal information that are located within the recorded exam environment.
  • Caution persons not to come into the room during examination, unless necessary, as they may be recorded on both audio and video.
  • After completing and submitting the exam, close/uninstall the Proctortrack application.

What information does Proctortrack have access to on my computer?

Proctortrack does not access any files on your hard-drive and it does not allow anyone remote access to your computer. It will access the audio and video outputs and take screenshots recorded only during an exam. Protortrack does not require, nor request system level access to your device.

Data Management Practices

Where is data stored?

All data is securely stored on Proctortrack's Canadian servers.

Instructors may request that a recording of the proctored activity be downloaded and saved on Western's secure servers.

How long is data stored?

Data from proctored activities is retained by Proctortrack for 180 days.

Identity profile and identity verification data is retained for 365 days.

These are default periods and students may request that their data be deleted sooner.

Records that have been flagged for potential academic offences may need to be kept longer and may be downloaded to Western's secure servers for this purpose.

How is data transferred through Proctortrack?

All data in transit between users and the Proctortrack servers happen in encrypted format.

Who has access to the data?

Access to this information is restricted to the instructor and a restricted number of designated system administrators at Western.

During exams, student webcam videos are not streamed live to anyone. They are captured and stored locally until they are uploaded in segments to secure servers located in Canada for automated analysis.

Personal Information

What types of Identification are required?

You will be asked to show your face and Western OneCard to validate your identity (same requirements as for in-person exam).

What if I don't have a Western OneCard?

Government issued ID can be displayed to the camera, showing only the picture and name (all other information can be covered by you).

What information is required to create my profile?

The only information you are required to provide is basic identity profile information (name, student number, etc.). You will not be asked for invasive personal information.

More Information

More information about Proctortrack’s privacy policy can be found on their website at the following link: https://www.proctortrack.com/privacy-policy/

If you would like more information about data security or privacy as it relates to remote proctoring, please contact Western's Privacy Office via privacy.office@uwo.ca.