Academic Merit Scholarships

Note: If you are submitting an application for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and you are receiving any scholarship, award or bursary funding from Western University, do not report it on your OSAP application as we will report it to OSAP on your behalf. Students are still responsible for reporting any external funding received (i.e. not awarded by Western) on their OSAP application.

In-course Scholarships and Awards are established and funded by individual donors, corporations, faculties, departments, and the governing body of the University. Scholarships and Awards are given out during the academic year based on the student's previous academic performance and current registration.

Once a student has completed one year of studies at Western, they become eligible for In Course Awards. Eligibility of all scholarships and awards granted by the University of Western Ontario are reserved for students registered at the Main Campus only unless the provisions of an award state otherwise. Students must have completed their prescribed academic program requiring five or more full courses in the previous year, and currently, be registered in a full-time course load as determined by their enrolled program. Note that some scholarships may have different requirements. Students who completed their previous academic year at an affiliate university college or institution other than Western are not eligible.