Contact Information
Student CentralRoom: 1120 Western Student Services Building
1151 Richmond Street
London, Ontario, CANADA
N6A 3K7
Fax: 519-850-2397
The Western community honours the academic accomplishments of our graduates by hosting convocation ceremonies in the spring and fall. These individual ceremonies are celebratory proceedings requiring many individuals to ensure the success of one of the largest events run on campus. We could not facilitate this experience without the support of our faculty, staff and students as volunteers at each ceremony.
If you are interested in getting involved, please click here to sign up to volunteer for Spring 2024 Convocation.
For more information about the roles available to faculty, staff and students, please review the descriptions below. These descriptions outline the roles and responsibilities, dress code required, and expectations for attendance.
If you would like more information about getting involved, or expectations throughout the day, please contact our Convocation and Events team and a member of the team would be more than happy to set up a time to discuss.
We thank you in advance for your ongoing support!
Convocation Roles
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with purple usher regalia.
- Greet guests and graduates
- Support guests with accessibility needs to their seats, and any additional support required
- Support the VIP section of guests, ensuring all guests are finding appropriate seats
- Maintain order during the ceremony, and explain where guests may or may not walk, stand or take pictures during the ceremony
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8am-12pm | Afternoon ceremony: 1pm-5pm
Assistant Marshal
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with Western regalia unless you have your own.
- Assist in assembling members of the graduating class in alphabetical order (by last name) to the appropriate stations
- The Marshal and two Assistant Marshals will lead the candidates from the Assembly Room to the Auditorium and will see that they are seated correctly
- Assist late-comers and attempt to guide them into their correct positions in the procession
- Prompt the graduates out as part of the Academic Procession
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8:15am-12pm | Afternoon ceremony: 1:15pm-5pm
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with Western regalia unless you have your own.
- Help to ensure students are in the correct order in line. The Chief Public Orator will provide you with more details and assign you a specific ‘line’ of students
- Provide guidance regarding applause/celebrations to audience throughout the ceremony
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8:15am-12pm | Afternoon ceremony: 1:15pm-5pm
Card Scanner
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with Western regalia unless you have your own.
- Assist with the lining up of students in Room 15 of Alumni Hall
- President will call upon the Public Orators to call the names of the student graduating
- Card Scanner will move towards the stage, and at the top of the steps on stage-left they will retrieve the scanner
- As students come up the stairs to cross, the scanner will ensure that each student’s QR code is scanned
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8:45am-12pm | Afternoon ceremony: 1:45pm-5pm
Flower Booth
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with a volunteer t-shirt. Please provide your size.
- Greet parents and guests who bring flowers to convocation
- Label them and arrange them for easy pick-up after the ceremony
- Facilitate pickup of flowers after the ceremony
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8:30am-12pm | Afternoon ceremony: 1:30pm-5pm
Student Line-Up Space
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with a volunteer t-shirt. Please provide your size.
- Has various roles associated with the management and organization of Alumni Hall Room 15, student marshalling area
- Proactively greet graduates
- Explain the process of convocation to graduates
- Help check students in and distribute name cards
- Be available to help hood graduates and show doctoral graduates how to hold their hoods
- Address the students gathered to provide a welcome, explain what will happen
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8:00am-10:30am | Afternoon ceremony: 1:00pm-3:30pm
Student Greeter
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with a volunteer t-shirt. Please provide your size.
- Provide a welcoming atmosphere
- Explain the process to students when they enter Alumni Hall [or “arrive at Alumni Hall” – if the intention is that they are outside vs in the lobby?]
- Answer questions the students might have about the day
- This role will be required to be outside of Alumni Hall and walking around
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8:00am-10:30am | Afternoon ceremony: 1:00pm-3:30pm
Guest Greeter/Info Desk
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with a volunteer t-shirt. Please provide your size.
- Provide a welcoming atmosphere
- Explain the process to guests when they come in the door
- Answer questions the guests might have about the day
- This role will be required to be outside of Alumni Hall and walking around as well as at the info desk inside the hall
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8:00am-12:00pm | Afternoon ceremony: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Navigation Assistants
Role and Responsibilities
This role will be provided with a volunteer t-shirt. Please provide your size.
- Help graduates and guests find their way across campus
- Ensure those with accessibility needs are aware that support will be provided
- Be a welcoming, helpful face to all campus visitors
- This role will be required to be outside of Alumni Hall and stationed around campus
Expectations for Attendance:
Morning ceremony: 8:00am-12:00pm | Afternoon ceremony: 1:00pm-5:00pm