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- Out of Province Loans
Student Finances
Contact Information
Room: 1120 Western Student Services Building1151 Richmond Street
London, Ontario, CANADA
N6A 3K7
Fax: 519-850-2397
Out of Province Loans
Follow the links below to find out the information for your province:
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland
- Nova Scotia
- Northwest Territories
- Nunavut
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
- Saskatchewan
- Yukon
Tuition Deferral
First year or students who did not have government loan funding last year: To defer your tuition until government student loan funding has been received, please submit a Virtual Helpline request for Out of Province (OOP) Loans and specify that you have applied for student loan funding and are requesting a tuition payment deferral. Submit a Virtual Helpline request here: http://registrar.uwo.ca/virtualhelp
Upper year/returning students who received government loan funding last year: If you received student loans in your home province last year, your tuition fees are automatically deferred until your government loan funding has been received. You do not need to submit anything to the Financial Aid Office.
Please note that students receiving out of province student loans must ensure that their first instalment of tuition fees is received in full no later than September 30th and that the second instalment of tuition fees is received no later than January 31.
Continuation of Interest-Free Status/Confirmation of Enrolment - Schedule 2
If you are not receiving government loans for this academic year or your funding application has been delayed and you are enrolled as a full-time student, you can complete and submit a Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application which will notify the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) that you are still enrolled in studies. This will keep any past/current loans in Interest Free Status during your current study period.
To have your Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application completed by Western, you need to submit an online Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application through the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (ECE). For further information, please go to https://csnpe-nslsc.cibletudes-canlearn.ca/Eng/Default.aspx.
Graduate students will need to complete and submit an online Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application form every term you are attending studies if you are not in receipt of government loans.
Please ensure to have a Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application completed once your study period has begun and before your study period ends. This document cannot be completed once your study period has ended.
British Columbia:
- Prov: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Prov: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
New Brunswick:
- Prov: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
Nova Scotia:
- Prov: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Prov: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Prov: Alberta Paper Confirmation of Registration-Reinstatement of Interest Free Status for Alberta Student Loans - Form B - http://studentaid.alberta.ca/media/23356/confirmation-of-registration-alberta-form-b.pdf (if AB Loans only)
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Prov: Manitoba Confirmation of Enrolment (paper) – “Confirmation of Return to School (CRS)” - http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/msa/pdfs/return_to_school.pdf.
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Prov: PEI Confirmation of Enrolment (paper) - https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/forms/provincial_coe.pdf.
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Terr: N/A – please contact Yukon Student Financial Assistance directly for further information - http://www.education.gov.yk.ca/student-funding.html.
- Fed: NSLSC ECE Portal
- Prov: Quebec – Studying Outside Quebec –
- Confirmation of Student Satus for 2023-2024 (Form 1121 – if receiving government funding) -http://www.afe.gouv.qc.ca/en/all-forms/detail/studying-outside-quebec-confirmation-of-student-status-1/
- Confirmation of Student Status – Full-Time (Form 2006 – if not receiving government funding) - http://www.afe.gouv.qc.ca/en/all-forms/detail/confirmation-of-student-status-full-time/.
- Confirmation of Student Status – Part-Time (Form 2204 – if not receiving government funding) - http://www.afe.gouv.qc.ca/en/all-forms/detail/confirmation-of-student-status-part-time/.
- Fed: Does not participate in the Canada Student Loans Program (NSLSC).
- Prov: NWT Form D (paper) – Student Enrollment Form - https://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/sites/www.ece.gov.nt.ca/files/resources/form_d_-student_enrollment.pdf. (This form is used to remain in interest free status during your studies). Please contact NWT Student Financial Assistance directly for further information - https://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/en/services/student-financial-assistance.
- Fed: Does not participate in the Canada Student Loans Program (NSLSC).
- Prov: N/A - please contact the Financial Assistance for Nunavut Students (FANS) directly for further information - http://gov.nu.ca/family-services/programs-services/financial-assistance-nunavut-students-fans
- Fed: Does not participate in the Canada Student Loans Program (NSLSC).