Money Talks @ Western U

It’s important for students to understand how to manage their money in order to avoid financial stress. Financial literacy programs are used to share knowledge about how to make responsible, informed, and effective financial decisions. Money Talks @ Western U hosts workshops and drop-in events that aim to address a variety of concepts relating to financial decision-making and wellness; more specifically, the financial components of budgeting, banking, credit, paying for school, and life after Western. 

The workshop series runs throughout the fall/winter terms, and is open to all registered students at the University. Students are usually required to sign up in advance; registration links will be posted as they become available.

Drop-in events require no registration, and are advertised through Western University’s social media channels.

Money Talks @ Western U is a collaborative effort between Student Financial Services, Housing and Ancillary Services, Wellness Education Centre, The Student Success Centre, and the University Students’ Council.

Questions? Want to get involved or request assistance with an event? Email for more information.