Tax Receipts Are Available Now

Tax Receipts are now available.
Tax receipts for the 2023 calendar year are now available.
T2202s are tuition tax receipts issued to all students for tuition paid relative to the calendar year. These show the amount of tuition that can be deducted for income tax purposes as well as the number of months eligible for the education deduction, if applicable.
These receipts are provided through an online service on Student Center, which allows you to view your T2202 - Tuition and Education Amounts Certificate(s) from Taxation year 2000 and onwards.
To find your T2202A slip, Login to Student Center and navigate to Student Financials > Taxes > My T2202 slips.
T4A tax receipts are issued for either scholarships, bursaries, or other monetary awards.
The CRA no longer requires that we receive consent to deliver your T4A tax receipt electronically. All T4As issued by the Office of the Registrar can be accessed electronically through the Student Center. Unless you made a request for a mailed paper copy of your T4A through your Student Center account by February 19, your T4A has been issued electronically only.
To find your T4A slip, Login to Student Center and navigate to Student Financials > Taxes > My T4A slips.
Additional information on tax receipts can be found here.
Note: Graduate students may also be issued a T4A from Human Resources, depending on the source of the funds. For more information, please visit the HR Web Site.
T4 tax receipts are issued by an employer to employees for employment income they earned in the calendar year. For information on these T4s only, contact Human Resources.
OSAP Tax Forms
OSAP tax receipts can be found on NSLSC Online Services. Login to your secure account and from your dashboard, select "My Inbox." You can find it under "Official Income Tax Receipt."Need help?
Having issues opening your tax forms?
To view your tax receipts, you need to have your pop-up blockers turned off and a PDF reader installed on your computer.
Need help filing your taxes?
University Students' Council (USC) organizes a series of free tax clinics for Western students every year in March. All tax returns are prepared and electronically submitted to CRA by CRA trained and authorized volunteers. For more details and information, stay tuned to their website for updates on this year’s tax clinic.
For up-to-date information on the clinic visit their Instagram account that will have more up-to-date information on the clinic.
This clinic is a registered community partner with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) under The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP).