T2202s are tuition tax receipts issued to all students for tuition related to the calendar year. These show the amount of tuition that can be deducted for income tax purposes as well as the number of months eligible for the education deduction, if applicable.
Starting in 2020, Institutions are required to file the paid amount up to the maximum eligible amount on the T2202 tax receipt. If a payment is made after the original T2202 is issued, we can subsequently file an amendment to reflect the payments received up to the maximum eligible amount for the tax year.
These receipts are provided through an online service on Student Center, which allows you to view your T2202 - Tuition and Education Amounts Certificate(s) from Taxation year 2000 and onwards. Once logged into Student Center, click Student Financials > Taxes > My T2202 Slips to view your T2202 tax receipts.
Releve 8 tax forms show the amount of tuition that can be deducted for income tax purposes for Quebec residents on their personal income tax return(TP-1-V).
This form will only be issued upon request of the student by email to regtax@uwo.ca or reg-fees@uwo.ca stating the tax year requested and the address where the form will be mailed upon completion. Once requested for any year, we will continue to issue a Releve' 8 to the Student Center home address in subsequent years until the student is no longer registered or requests that the form is not needed. Returning students, after a one year gap, will have to request the production of the form again.
Releve 8 forms can only be issued after the T2202 forms are completed by the end of February. Subsequent year forms and new requests received by the end of February will be mailed out to student by the end of March. Forms requested after March and any previous year forms will be processed and mailed within a 10 business day time frame.
Note: Please ensure that your virus protection is not blocking pop-ups before attempting to view and print the document. If you see the current year's link (eg. 2012) but the page does not open, that is a virus protector or pop-up blocker preventing the form from loading.
T4A tax receipts are issued for either scholarships, bursaries or other monetary awards.
T4A tax receipts are delivered electronically through Student Center. Once logged into Student Center select Student Financials > Taxes > My T4A Slips to view your T4A slip(s).
If you prefer to receive a paper copy of your current T4A receipt mailed to your home address, you must submit a request through the My T4A Delivery Method option in Student Center and ensure your home address is up-to-date by February 10, 2025. After February 10th, requests for a paper copy must be sent to regtax@uwo.ca.
This tax receipt will be available by February 28.
International students: If you do not need a T4A for tax purposes, do not print it once it is available.
Should you have any questions about your T4A issued by the Office of the Registrar, contact regtax@uwo.ca
Tax receipts for employment (including student employees participating in work study) income earned in the calendar year are distributed by Human Resources. Human Resources also distribute tax receipts for non-employment income including: Post Doctoral Fellows, fellowships, etc. For more information please visit the HR Web Site.
Student donation fee receipts for income tax purposes are available through the Student Center by clicking Student Financials > Taxes > Student Donation Fee. These receipts are for the student faculty donation fees. For information on these receipts only, contact Advancement Services at 519-661-4176 ext. 84176
There are no special tax forms issued for the bus pass. If you are claiming the bus pass amount charged with your Western tuition charges, you can use the online statement of account found at the Student Center as proof of amounts paid.
Undergraduate, Professional, Education and Continuing Studies students have bus pass charges that cross tax years and can claim the following:
* For students who were registered and paid for a bus pass in the 8 month 2012-2013 academic year, one half of that cost can be claimed on the 2013 tax year.
* For students who were registered and paid for a bus pass in the 8 month 2013-2014 year, one half of that cost can be claimed on the 2013 tax year and the remaining amount will be claimable in the 2014 tax year.
Graduate students can claim all three terms worth of bus passes within the given tax year.
The University of Western Ontario is required to report this information to all students to enable them to complete their Canadian tax returns. For information on whether you need to file a Canadian tax return and/or a tax return in your country of origin, as well as information on how to file a Canadian tax return as an international student visit International and Exchange Student Centre. The IESC also offers income tax clinics for international students every year in March.
University Students' Council (USC) organizes a series of free tax clinics for Western students every year in March. All tax returns are prepared and electronically submitted to CRA by CRA trained and authorized volunteers. For more information visit http://westernusc.ca/income-tax-clinic/.
This clinic is a registered community partner with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) under The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP).