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- Part-Time OSAP
Student Finances
Contact Information
Room: 1120 Western Student Services Building1151 Richmond Street
London, Ontario, CANADA
N6A 3K7
Fax: 519-850-2397
Part-Time OSAP
The Part-Time OSAP program is designed for students who will be attending post-secondary on a part-time basis (between 20% -59% course load). Students who apply for Part-Time OSAP must meet citizenship requirements as defined by OSAP.
Allowable Costs
Unlike OSAP for Full-Time Students Application, OSAP for Part-Time Students Application does not provide a cost of living amount. The OSAP for Part-Time Students application asks you to provide your 2023 total income. If you are unemployed and did not have an income in 2023, a letter that details how your cost of living (rent, food, etc.) was being met must be provided. The educational costs that are allowed with Part-Time OSAP are tuition and books.
Canada Study Grant for Part-Time Students (CSG)
There are three grants that are funded by the federal government: The Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Students; the Canada Student Grant for Persons with Permanent Disabilities; and the Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Student with Dependents. Eligibility criteria differ for each grant but they are primarily targeted at low income students; students with a documented disability; students who have at least one child under 12 and/or a child with a permanent disability.
Ontario Part-Time Grant
As a component of the OSAP Application for Part-Time Students, the Ontario Part-Time Grant provides grant aid to eligible part-time low-income students to help them with their costs of education.
How to Apply
To be considered for these grants, you must complete the Online Osap Application for Part-Time Students. For application forms and loan maximums please visit the OSAP website.
The deadline that the financial aid office at Western must receive your completed application and all required documents is based on the length of your study period:
- Study periods that are up to 20 weeks long: the deadline to apply is no later than 6 weeks prior to the end of your study period. Supporting documentation no later than 6 weeks prior to the end of your study period.
- Study Periods that are 21 weeks or longer: the deadline to apply is no later than 60 days prior to the end of your study period. Supporting documentation must be received 40 days prior to the end of your study period.
Documents You Need to Provide
You are required to print, sign and submit a declaration and signature page indicating that you have read and understood your rights and obligations. Your spouse (if applicable) will also have to sign their own declaration and signature page. All of these documents are available to you once you submit your online part-time application.
You will also be required to provide documents to support the information that you provide on your application. When you complete an online application, the documentation that you must provide will be listed. All documentation must be received before OSAP can calculate your aid.
How to Check the Status of Your Application and the Amount of Your Aid
- Information about your application is available on the OSAP web site. Log in to check the status.
- Contact the Financial Aid Office at Western if you have any questions regarding the status of your application
How You Get Your Aid
Students receiving PT OSAP will be required to sign the PT MSFAA. The PT MSFAA is a lifetime legal agreement that is specific to part-time funding. The agreement is between the student and the CSFA Program.
Students who have previously completed a MSFAA for Full-time OSAP are still required to complete a PT MSFAA. The student's PT MSFAA is generated as soon as they submit their Part-time application. Instructions on how to complete the PT MSFAA are sent to the student by the NSLSC.
A completed PT MSFAA is required before any PT CSL and/or PT CSG funds are released. All Part-time OSAP funding is electronically issued. (Similar to Full-time OSAP distribution).
When You Get Your Aid - Confirmation of Enrolment
Part-time enrollment must be confirmed by the Financial Aid Office before each funding disbursement can be released, this includes both federal and provincial funds.
Change(s) to Your Income and/or Status
You must promptly inform your financial aid office in writing of any changes to your income (and your spouse, if applicable) or any changes to your financial, academic, family, and/or study period status.
After Your Current Study Period Ends
Once your current study period ends, please contact the NSLSC directly to review the status of your repayment for both full-time and/or part-time loan and interest details.
If you are currently receiving loans ...
During any study period in which you are receiving part-time or full-time OSAP loans, payments on your part-time loan will be automatically deferred unless you choose to make voluntary payments.
If you are not currently receiving loans ...
If you are continuing your studies but are not receiving part-time or full-time OSAP funding for your current studies, your previous loans will enter repayment unless you submit an application to defer payment. In this case, notify the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) and/or your previous lender(s) that you are still in studies by submitting a Canada Student Loans Program Confirmation of Enrolment (Schedule 2) form. You must have your postsecondary institution complete this form and forward it to the NSLSC or to the lender holding your previous loan.
Continuation of Interest-Free Status – Part-time Canada Student Loans
To have your Continuation of Interest-Free Status/Confirmation of Enrolment completed by Western, you need to submit an online Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application form through the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (ECE). For further information, please go to https://csnpe-nslsc.cibletudes-canlearn.ca/Eng/Default.aspx.
Graduate students will need to complete and submit an online Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application form every term you are attending studies if you are not in receipt of part-time loans.
Please ensure to have a Continuation of Interest-Free Status Application completed once your study period has begun and before your study period ends. This document cannot be completed once your study period has ended. The completed form will keep any past/current part-time loans in interest Free Status during your current study period.
- Fed:NSLSC ECE Portal