The Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations defines a "permanent disability" as "any impariment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment--or a funcational limitation--that restricts the abilitity of a person to perform the daily activities necessary to pursue studies at the postsecondary school level or to particiapate in the labour force and that is expected to remain with the person for the person's expected life."
The Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) is a component of OSAP. Students who meet the criteria are eligible for up to $22 000 ($20 000 through the Canada Study Grant for Services and Equipment (CSG-DSE) for students with permanent disabilities, and $2000 through the BSWD program (CSLP and OSAP repectively). Students with a persistent or prolonged disability are eligible for $2000 per academic year. The BSWD is non-repayable and taxable as per Revenue Canada policy, and supplements any OSAP loan or bursary assistance that students may receive. The main program objective is to help students with financial need to meet their disability-related educational costs without having to incur additional debt. It is hoped that this will increase the participation rate of students with disabilities in post secondary education.
For details on this program, including funding, and eligibility, visit the OSAP website: BSWD and CSG-DSE
To begin the process of applying, please visit: Accessible Education
If you qualify for this bursary program, please make a financial counselling appointment to discuss your particular situation.
If a student's BSWD application is received prior to 60 days before the end of the student's study period, the student can receive BSWD assistance for expenses incurred throughout the study period, providing BSWD funds are available in the institution's budget.
The Institutional Special Bursary Program (ISBP) is intended to help students with low family incomes to participate in post-secondary education on a part-time basis (up to 2.0 credits). Students eligible for this program are unable to attend on a full-time basis due to family responsibilities or personal circumstances. ISBP is designed mainly for students with dependents who are in receipt of assistance through Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program or who have low family incomes. ISBP is intended to help students obtain their first degree, diploma, or training program certificate, and provides financial assistance for educational costs. The maximum amount of bursary you can receive is $3,000 per academic year.
Applications are available under Forms on the Registrar’s website or by clicking here.
If you qualify for this bursary program, please make a financial counselling appointment to discuss your particular situation.
The deadline date to apply for ISBP is the last day of the first month in which the student's program begins.